martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Day 1

Good Morning everyone!
We have arrived safely and we are now all installed in Can Ribals. You can see the photos of the place in the blog. It really is beautiful and I am sitting writing this looking at the mountains and the sun is shining!
Yesterday we got here and then we organized all the bedrooms. They are all very excited! Then we did activities for the children to get to know the monitors and then had lunch.
After lunch everyone did some homework and nobody complained!! The boys and girls from Primary 3, 4 and 5 are going to write a diary of what they do during the camp and some reading and the boys and girls from Primary 1 and 2 are doing the homework from school.
In the afternoon they started to do some activities but then we had a big storm so we had to do indoor activities which they also enjoyed.
Now we are going to go by the weather more than the timetable so that they are outside as much as possible just in case it rains in the afternoon.
This morning they are all around the grounds outside, the indians are doing a gymkhana and the Hogwarts group are doing an orientation course.
I will publish some photos, more to come tomorrow .......

On Sunday, because there are so many people, we have to have lunch in two turns. This means that the show will take place at 11 o'clock so you need to be here for 11. Those who eat in the second turn will have a' pica-pica' while you wait.

4 comentarios:

  1. Thanks a lot for information and photos!!!
    Nice day!!!

  2. They are having a great time!!!
    I wish I was a kid... ;)
    Thanks for the photos and the update!!

  3. Thanks so much for the photos and the info.

    Have fun and nice days!!
