miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Day 2 News

Hi there once again!
A little later today as we have just come back from La Seu d'Urgell where they all did 'kayak' in 'El Parc del Segre. We spent the day there and the children also visited the old part of the town and then we had a picnic in the park. Then we played and also watched and cheered the professionals! There must be a world competition as there were canoes from all over the world. We were learning which country they were all from.
Yesterday we had rice and then meat for lunch and then we made the most of the weather and they all went outside to do activities and practice for the show for you all!
Then we had some time to do some homework and have a shower. After a dinner of lentils and then chicken and potatoes, they all got their torches and went off outside to look for clues and have adventures. Then into bed as they were a lot more tired than the first day!

We are being very lucky with the weather up to now so let's hope it continues. Tomorrow we are off to the swimming pool so let's hope it is nice and sunny!

Now for the photos ......

Mr Tiago and Miss Jill

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